
中马建交50周年主题报道|山海同路 璀璨50

2024-06-12 17:56:01   来源:中国—东盟传媒网   







休戚与共的命运共同体。自1974年两国建交以来,两国关系不断升级发展。1999 年,中国和马来西亚签署关于未来双边合作框架的联合声明;2004年,两国领导人就发展中马战略性合作达成共识;2013年,两国建立全面战略伙伴关系;2023年,两国宣布共建中马命运共同体。历经50载,中马两国关系取得长足进步,并经受住国际国内局势变化、新冠肺炎疫情等考验。正如马来谚语所言:Ringan sama dijinjing,berat sama dipikul(有福同享,有难同当),中马已成为相互信任倚重的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。




交流互鉴的区域合作典范。600多年前,郑和七下西洋,五次驻节马六甲的佳话至今还在传颂,沿着历史的足迹,中马两国的交流历久弥新,在文化、教育、旅游等领域均取得了可喜的成就。特别是长期以来,马来西亚一直是中国游客出境游热门目的地。数据显示,2019年,中国游客赴马来西亚旅游超过300万人次,占马来西亚国际游客总数的近12%,为马来西亚创造了17.8%的旅游收入。今年,马来西亚有望实现接待500万 -700万中国游客的目标。持续扩大的人员往来,促进了两国民众的相知相亲相融。




50 Brilliant Years of Shared Journey


Turn the clock back to May 31, 1974, the day when Malaysian Prime Minister Abdul Razak and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai jointly signed the Joint Communique between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China in the West Hall of the Great Hall of the People in China. Malaysia took the lead among ASEAN countries in establishing diplomatic relations with China. The friendship between Malaysia and China brought the two neighboring nations together, opening a new chapter in the development history of Malaysia-China relations.


Time flies. The friendly cooperation between Malaysia and China has maintained a strong momentum after half a century of walking hand in hand, showing an all-round, multi-domain, and deep-level development momentum and reaping fruitful results that benefit the peoples of the two countries.


A community of a shared future in weal and woe. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1974, their relationship has been continuously upgrading. In 1999, Malaysia and China signed the Joint Statement on the Framework for Future Bilateral Cooperation. In 2004, state leaders of the two countries reached a consensus on the strategic cooperation between Malaysia and China. In 2023, the two countries announced to build a Malaysia-China community of a shared future. After 50 years, Malaysia-China relations have gained profound development and withstood tests such as changes in domestic and international environments, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more. As a Malay proverb goes, “Ringan sama dijinjing, berat sama dipikul” (Stick together through good times and hard times), Malaysia and China have become reliable good neighbors, good friends, and good partners of mutual trust.


Investment cooperation relations based on reciprocity. The bilateral trade between Malaysia and China has shown significant growth over the past 50 years. Nowadays, Malaysia is China’s second-largest trading partner in ASEAN, and China has been the largest trading partner of Malaysia for 15 consecutive years. As early as 2018, the bilateral trade of the two countries had surpassed US$100 billion, and by 2023, it has surged to over US$190.2 billion. Over the past 50 years, numerous Malaysian and Chinese enterprises have grown through the expansion of diverse development in the investment area, yielding win-win results for both sides. In 2003, China’s direct investment flow into Malaysia exceeded US$100 million, and the investment volume continued to increase thereafter. From 2016 to 2020, China was Malaysia’s largest source of foreign investment in the manufacturing sector for five consecutive years, and in 2022, China became Malaysia’s largest source of foreign investment overall.


A regional cooperation model through exchanges and mutual learning. Over 600 years ago, the great Chinese navigator Admiral Zheng He commanded seven expeditionary voyages to the West, and the tales of his five stops to Malacca are still being told today. Following this historical path, the bilateral relations between Malaysia and China remain everlasting, winning gratifying achievements in fields such as culture, education, and tourism. Particularly, Malaysia has long been a popular tourism destination for Chinese outbound tourists. Statistics show that the number of Chinese outbound tourists to Malaysia was more than 3 million in 2019, accounting for nearly 12% of total international tourist arrivals in Malaysia and generating 17.8% of tourism revenue for Malaysia. This year, Malaysia expects to receive 5 to 7 million Chinese tourists. The increasing personnel exchanges between the two countries continue to bring hearts closer together and form one big family between the two peoples.


Time is a great chronicler. Looking back, Malaysia and China have traveled the shared journey for 50 brilliant years. Looking ahead, the potential for bilateral economic and trade cooperation, as well as cultural communication between Malaysia and China, is limitless, and the future is promising.



文:林 涵

翻译:陈 维

审定:林 涵


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