Twenty-first Century "maritime Silk Road" and the international communication platform
  • Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor: Making a Difference With Pioneering Spir...[16 April, 2020]

    Achieving remarkable results in China’s automobile industryLiuzhou is famous for its industrial development, among which the automobile industry is the highlight After years of development, Dongfeng......

  • Lin Zuanhuang: LMZ Leading TCM Daily Chemical Industry and Makin...[09 April, 2020]

    When it comes to LMZ, many people are full of cordiality to the brand that grows with them But what you may not know is that this well-known brand in China is also famous in Southeast Asia and other...

  • Ecology and Wisdom, Key Words for the Upgrading and Development ...[09 April, 2020]

    There are too many factors contributing to the prosperity of Liuzhou industry: Liuzhou owns delicious prepackaged snail rice noodles and many famous companies, including Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel...

  • Electricity Rate Hike is Good for Economy[07 April, 2020]

    (By Jae Young Lee, Paolo Hernando and Nyaung Tai)Businesses and the general public in Myanmar are divided on the recent bold policy move to hike electricity tariffs But the big question is: how can the......

  • Living on the Same Earth, Sharing the Same Destiny — China-ASEA...[20 March, 2020]

    Since 2020, the outbreak of the coronavirus has posed great challenges to the health of people around the world and the global economy and trade When the virus was spreading in China, the royal famil...

  • Faster and Cheaper Clearance Meeting a More Open Qinzhou Port[13 August, 2019]

    Chongqing-Guangxi economic ties have never been closer: fresh fruits from Southeast Asia are flowing through Guangxi’s Qinzhou Port into Chongqing by sea-rail freight trains, while container ships lo......

  • Thailand's 11 one-seat parties support Prayut as new PM[13 May, 2019]

    BANGKOK,May13(Xinhua)--ElevenThaipoliticalpartieswhichwononeseateachinThailand& 39;sMarch24electionssaidonMondaythattheywouldvoteforincumbentPrimeMinisterPrayutChan-o-chatobeelectedasnewprimeminister...

  • Vietnamese arrested for transporting drugs from Cambodia[13 May, 2019]


  • Half of construction work completed on China-aided stadium in Ca...[13 May, 2019]

    PHNOMPENH,May12(Xinhua)--TheconstructionworkonaChina-fundednationalstadiumhereiscurrentlyhalfwaytowardscompletion,ThongKhon,presidentoftheNationalOlympicCommitteeofCambodia,saidonSunday Thestadiumisbe...

  • Feature: Indonesian singer deeply impressed by theme song of Chi...[13 May, 2019]


  • UN Day of Vesak opens in Vietnam[13 May, 2019]

    Buddhistmonks,nunsandfollowersattendtheBuddhabathingritualatTamChucPagodainVietnam& 39;snorthernHaNamprovince,May12,2019 TheUnitedNationsDayofVesakkickedoffonSundayinHaNamprovincewiththeparticipationo...

  • Brunei sees 11.9 pct trade surplus growth in February[10 May, 2019]

    BANDARSERIBEGAWAN,May10(Xinhua)--Bruneirecordedan11 9percentgrowthintradesurplusforFebruarythisyearduetoanincreaseinmajorexports LatestInternationalMerchandiseTradeStatisticsreleasedbytheDepartmentofE...

  • Myanmar gov't warns against prison riots incitement[10 May, 2019]


  • Myanmar aims to increase national electricity access[10 May, 2019]


  • People sell roasted coconuts during Ramadan month in Meulaboh, I...[10 May, 2019]

    AwomanpeelsroastedcoconutsforsaleduringRamadanmonthinMeulaboh,WestAceh,Indonesia,May10,2019 RoastedcoconutisoneofthespecialdrinksthatWestAcehpeopleareinterestedinduringtheholymonthofRamadan (Xinhua Ab...

  • Myanmar president leaves for visit to Vietnam[10 May, 2019]

    YANGON,May10(Xinhua)--MyanmarPresidentUWinMyintleftforHanoionFridayforaworkingvisittoVietnamandthe16thUnitedNationsDayofVesakCelebration,accordingtothePresident& 39;sOffice AttheinvitationofhisVietnam...

  • Laos backs BRI trade infrastructure expansion: state media[29 April, 2019]

    VIENTIANE,April29(Xinhua)--LaosbackstheChina-proposedBeltandRoadInitiative(BRI)tradeinfrastructureexpansion,VientianeTimes,theLaostate-rundaily,reportedonMonday LaoPresidentBounnhangVorachithas"v...

  • Xi meets Singaporean PM[29 April, 2019]

    BEIJING,April29(Xinhua)--ChinesePresidentXiJinpingmetwithSingaporeanPrimeMinisterLeeHsienLoonginBeijingonMonday Nextyearwillmarkthe30thanniversaryoftheestablishmentofdiplomaticrelationsbetweenChinaand...

  • Xi meets Cambodian PM[29 April, 2019]

    ChinesePresidentXiJinping(R)meetswithCambodianPrimeMinisterSamdechTechoHunSenattheGreatHallofthePeopleinBeijing,capitalofChina,April29,2019 (Xinhua LiXueren)BEIJING,April29(Xinhua)--ChinesePresidentXi...

  • China-Laos railway to be fully operational by end of 2021[29 April, 2019]

    PhototakenonApril12,2019showtheconstructionsiteofthePu& 39;errailwaystationoftheChina-LaosrailwayinPu& 39;erCity,southwestChina& 39;sYunnanProvince, LinkingYuxiCityinYunnanandtheLaocapitalVientiane,th...

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